Meet Hilary

How long have you volunteered at St Oswald’s Hospice? 

Since 2018, except during Covid-19. However, I did work in the Children and Young Adults Service as a physiotherapist for five years – which I loved! 

What does a typical day look like as a volunteer transport driver? 

I love my role because it’s so varied – there’s no such thing as a typical day! I help bring patients to the Hospice for appointments and take them home from the Adult Inpatient Service. I also handle deliveries of special equipment, pick up items for the ward or outpatients, and collect supplies from hospitals or pharmacies – really, anything I can do to help! 

Is there any specific training or certifications required for your role? 

As a minibus driver we have minibus training which is a day course, involving theory on safe driving then a practical drive.  

Can you share any personal experiences that made you want to volunteer with St Oswald’s Hospice? 

I used to work in the children’s department of the hospice, which I really enjoyed! When I retired, I wanted to continue to have a connection with the Hospice and that’s when I got involved as a volunteer transport driver.  

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a transport volunteer at a hospice? 

I would say – please do it! You won’t regret it. You’ll get just as much of it as you are giving to such a fantastic cause. The staff and volunteers are lovely to work with.  

Could you describe St Oswald’s Hospice in three words? 

Supportive, heart-warming, a happy place.  

Find out more about volunteering as a transport driver on our website here 

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