Contact us

There are a number of ways to contact us, depending on your query.

For all general enquiries, please call our Main Switchboard on 0191 285 0063 or email

For any retail related queries please call 0191 246 8123 or email

St Oswald’s Hospice, Regent Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 1EE.

Get in touch

Get in touch

There are a number of ways to contact us, depending on your query.

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How to give feedback

How to give feedback

We are committed to providing quality services and are constantly seeking ways to improve the care offered to you, your family, carers and friends.

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How to get referred

How to get referred

Information about adult and child referrals.

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Media enquiries

Media enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact the St Oswald's Communications Department.

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View the latest job opportunities at St Oswald's Hospice

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Gift Aid

Gift Aid

The Government’s Gift Aid scheme allows charities like St Oswald’s Hospice to claim an extra 25% on most charitable donations made by UK tax payers, at no cost to the hospice or to you

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