Helping Hands from Ramdens Financial
A big thanks goes to Ramsdens Financial Limited for their amazing help in our shops,
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The shower room has been made possible following a generous donation from P&G – one of our long-standing supporters.
Anne Tuck, Matron of our Adult Inpatient Unit, explained the difference the shower space makes to patients…
“It’s really important that we have a shower room for our patients – as some of them haven’t been able to enjoy a shower at home. It can be uncomfortable and sometimes unsafe for our patients to wash while coping with difficult physical problems. Yet patients tell us that maintaining their appearance and staying fresh and clean can have a significant impact on their wellbeing and quality of life.
“Thanks to this new shower space, we can help our patients relax and enjoy the experience of showering – something that we take for granted each day. They can even have music playing while they shower and sing along to their favourite songs! This new facility gives our patients space and time to relax and unwind, which is so important.”
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