Helping Hands from Ramdens Financial
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Over the years, Peggy been influential in helping to refurbish wards through raising funds in the community and supporting the work of our fundraising team by volunteering at events. As she turns 90, Peggy reflects on her time supporting the Hospice and how she keeps herself busy.
“I set myself a target of reaching £6000 by the time I turn 90, and I’ve just hit that target a few weeks before my birthday! I’m over the moon I’ve managed to help.
“I’ve supported the hospice since about 1977, when it was just an idea. I used to knit and my husband made bird boxes, we sold our items and donated them to help raise money to get the Hospice started.
“Dorothy (Jameson, Hospice founder) was a lovely lady, she worked really hard to get the hospice up and running and I loved helping her raise the money. There was only a few of us back in the day but we worked hard together and it worked.
“Since then I’ve just focused on making greetings cards. I’d come to all the Easter and Christmas fairs to run the stalls and sell my cards. Over the years it’s been a life saver for me. When my husband died 10 years ago I wasn’t sure what to do with my time. I thought as I couldn’t get out much I’d sit and make cards on an evening, it’s kept me sane and kept me busy as losing a husband isn’t easy.
“I know my family would appreciate me helping the Hospice. Instead of spending money on flowers I spend my money on materials so I can help those in need. It’s the little things but it all adds up, let’s hope I can hit £7000 now I’ve turned 90.”
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