Helping Hands from Ramdens Financial
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Terry from Killingworth has been a Hospice volunteer for an amazing 30 years and recently received his Long Service Award. Terry started his St Oswald’s journey by performing as part of the Backworth New Voice Choir at fundraising events and for our patients, families, staff and volunteers. After visiting the Hospice several times and having a tour Terry decided he wanted to do more and signed up as a fundraising volunteer.
“My first connection with the Hospice was when we started performing at events at St Oswald’s. One Christmas we were singing carols at the Metrocentre when a man came to speak to me. His wife had died at the Hospice and wanted to share with me how fantastic the care had been and how much kindness he’d been shown. He gave me a donation and couldn’t thank us enough for what we were doing. His kind words really stuck with me and made me want to get more involved.
“Over the years I’ve been involved with lots of different fundraising activities; I’ve collected donations and sold raffle tickets but my highlight is getting involved with the Christmas Market. I’ve helped out for several years now and done everything from dressing up as a Christmas pudding – which people still talk about – to organising a lucky dip stand. When people donate the gifts for me to use on the stall it’s like Christmas Day for me, I love collecting everything in knowing that it is going to raise funds for St Oswald’s.
“I thoroughly enjoy helping out in any way I can, I always have such a laugh with the other volunteers and staff. Everyone at the Hospice is exceptional, they are really marvellous people who make you want to donate your time. During my first visit I was sitting in the Chapel when the Chaplain came to chat to me. She said that it took special people to work or volunteer at a Hospice as we were all here for the wellbeing of the patients. That’s still so true thirty years on, which is why I’ve continued to volunteer for so long.
“I have some fantastic memories from over the years and I’ve made some lifelong friends. I find volunteering very rewarding and feel very honoured when supporters share their personal experiences of our care.
“I’d personally like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the Hospice for the amazing work they all do and for making me feel so welcome every time I visit. The last 30 years have flown by and I’m really missing volunteering at the moment.”
A huge thank you to Terry for his commitment, hard work and infectious sense of humour over the last 30 years.
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