Helping Hands from Ramdens Financial
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Mark said:
“Our Mam first became involved with donating to St Oswald’s Hospice after my Dad passed away in November 1988 and then my grandparents in 1994. Mam heard about St Oswald’s tree of life which touched her heart so she decided to donate and have 2 leaves added to the tree in the garden; one for my Dad and the other for my grandparents. Since that day Mam has donated religiously on birthdays, anniversaries and at Christmas.
“Years later we unfortunately lost a cousin and uncle who both had end of life care at St Oswald’s. This is when Mam witnessed the true meaning of the love and care they give to the patients.
“Fast-forward to May 11th 2021 when Mam herself was admitted to the St Oswald’s after a short battle with cancer. It was one of her wishes to spend her final days there and was when it was my turn to experience the true meaning of the hospice.
“From walking through the door the first time, meeting the receptionist and signing in, bumping into the tea lady and being introduced to the doctors and nurses, the care and reassurance from everyone I met made me feel a strange calmness in the most horrific time of my life. Seeing my mother happy in her final days knowing she was at the hospice meant the world to us and more importantly, her.”
“St Oswald’s is the most incredible place and I totally understand why now and also why she supported them throughout he life. Before she died, Mam told us she had requested in her Will that a sum of money be left to the Hospice so she could continue to make a difference even after she was gone.
“If you have a Will or are thinking about making one, please consider leaving a gift od whatever you can. I have now followed in Mam’s footsteps and added St Oswald’s Hospice to my own Will, in her memory and to say thank you to the team for the love, care and comfort I witnessed personally. Hopefully my gift, along with Mam’s, will support other families at the most difficult times in their lives.”
If you would like to join Joyce and Mark and leave a gift in your Will to us, we have lots of helpful information to get you started. Visit our Gifts in Wills page to find out more.
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