Helping Hands from Ramdens Financial
A big thanks goes to Ramsdens Financial Limited for their amazing help in our shops,
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“The 100 miles will certainly be a challenge particularly if it’s windy on the day…..or wet…..or cold! Or all 3 … but seriously, I know I will be in good company along the way to help the miles pass by more quickly, and know how much it will help local families.
“I have completed 100 miles once before but that was many years ago, fingers crossed for good conditions on the day and not too many arduous climbs. They do say what goes up – must come down but I’m not so sure! The refreshment stops will be a welcome break, I will be ready for a hot cup of tea after a long ride, but I do like a good coffee with a wedge of carrot cake too!.
“If you’re considering joining us, get signed up!
“It’s mind over matter and we’re in it together, we can pace ourselves for a long day in the saddle! You can do anything if you put your mind to it. You can break the distance down into manageable chunks and enjoy the memories you will be making along the way. I can’t wait – bring it on!!”
If you would like to join Steve and our wonderful team of 100 Miler participants, get signed up here.
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