Our Annual Report and Quality Account

Annual Report and Quality Account

Here you will find both the Annual Report and Quality Account for St Oswald’s Hospice.

Our Annual Report gives you an in-depth look at how we operate, our governance and outlines the progress we’ve made in achieving our objectives during the year, to the benefit of local families.

Our Quality Account reports on the quality of services at St Oswald’s Hospice’s and is published annually. This Quality Account focuses on the year 2023/24, tracking our progress over the past year against selected quality improvements and outlining our priorities for the year ahead.

To find out more about Quality Accounts, visit the NHS website.

Annual Report

Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023

Quality Account

This Quality Account focuses on the year 2023/24, tracking our progress over the past year against selected quality improvements and outlining our priorities for the year ahead.