Helping Hands from Ramdens Financial
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Joss Parker, Children & Young Adults Matron, has worked at the Hospice for five years. Every day she gets to work alongside an amazing team that provides a lifeline for our children, young people and their families.
Joss said:
“It is the most rewarding job knowing that you are helping families and most importantly – providing quality time for them.
“I work with a great team who take on all sorts of adventures with our Children and Young Adults. Everything from trips to the theatre walks in the sunshine, brownie making – even surfing at the beach! Those are the best days. Made even better by endless smiles, happiness and laughter from everyone involved.
“Whilst these adventures are fun and smiles, sometimes it can be a rather difficult and heart-breaking job to do. That’s where this great organisation – St Oswald’s Hospice comes in. We support each other right across the board. I feel a strong sense of connection to my colleagues. We help each other through those difficult days and celebrate the happy ones.
“In my opinion, there’s no better place than St Oswald’s Hospice – I know I would say that! But it’s true. We provide essential services for our patients and their families and keep them at the heart of whatever we do.
That’s why Joss has chosen to be a Giving Day Champion – to help make sure we can keep the doors open for everyone who needs us.
“Please sign up to be a Giving Day Champion. It’s so easy, takes no effort and is a great way to raise vital funds for our services.”
If you’re feeling inspired by Joss and would like to become a Giving Day Champion for St Oswald’s Hospice, you can find out more about Giving Day here or sign up to become a Champion here.
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